Worldwide Surrogacy Blog

4 Ways To Announce You're Expecting Through a Surrogate

Written by Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists | Wed, Feb 06, 2019 @ 19:02 PM

Many Intended Parents are eager to spread the news once they find out that their surrogate is pregnant and the baby is reportedly healthy. Breaking the news to loved ones can be an equally exciting and terrifying experience.

Here are some ways to share that you're expecting through a surrogate.

1. Have an Intimate Sit Down Conversation

Speaking in person with your loved ones is a great way to share all the news of your surrogacy journey and answer any questions they may have. First, figure out who you'd like to tell first and schedule time to talk. Make sure the conversation will be held somewhere that puts you at ease: your home, a cafe, the park, or at a beloved restaurant.

Creating a casual one-on-one atmosphere to break the news is a low stress and intimate approach to letting family and friends know about your journey. When you're sharing with those you cherish, your journey will be supported through the highs and the lows until the ultimate joy of bringing home your newborn.

2. Photo Announcement

Photo announcements are one of the trendiest way to share good news. Whether sending a hard copy in the mail or sharing  on social media, a picture is worth a thousand words.

If you have a good relationship with your gestational carrier and distance isn't an issue, you may ask her to be in the picture. If she is on board to actually be in your photo announcement, there are some fun ways to share the great news!

One idea is to set a photo with the Intended Parents featuring the surrogate’s baby bump as the focal point of the picture. A simple message announcing your expecting is sufficient, or you could even opt to let the picture speak for itself.

Another idea is to have Intended Parents and surrogate stand near each other each holding a cute and clever sign describing the arrangement. Some options for signs include:

  • IPs: “Our Bun(s)” and Surrogate: “My Oven,”
  • IPs: “Our Pea(s)” and Surrogate: “My Pod,”
  • or have the IPs hold a sign saying, “Growing in Our Hearts,” while standing next to their gestational carrier.

The photo announcement leaves plenty of room to break your important news in a creative and playful way.

3. Use a Vintage News Format

If you’re not interested in a photo announcement, you may prefer a written method of spreading your message. Create a "newspaper" blurb to share the news of your growing family.

Newspaper announcements used to be the ultimate way to share news of engagements, weddings, and births. There are a variety of fonts and templates available to create that vintage style to help you find the perfect design for your special news.

4. Wait Until After the Birth

Some families may prefer to wait until after baby’s birth to announce the great news. There are plenty of ways to showcase your beautiful baby and the pure joy of parenthood. No matter the method you choose, be sure to include a nod of appreciation for the surrogate who made the birth possible.

Always start with a picture of your precious newborn. Some parents choose to add stats—birth weight, length, time of birth—while others prefer personal notes and warm mentions of who their baby looks like. Whichever you choose, you can easily include a sweet and simple statement about the surrogate at the end to show your gratitude. Ideas include:

  • “Made possible thanks to our surrogate Jane Doe,”
  • “Baby and Surrogate are both doing well,”
  • and “Special thanks to our surrogate.”

Find a statement that works for you and get ready to embrace the love and support of loved ones you share the exciting baby news with!