Worldwide Surrogacy Blog

A Surrogate's Journey: My Experience with the Application Process

Written by Victoria Ferrara | Wed, Jun 22, 2016 @ 14:06 PM

Written by WSS Surrogate, K.L.

I’ve known I wanted to be a surrogate ever since I became pregnant with my daughter, K.  I loved being pregnant—from seeing the positive pregnancy tests, to watching my daughter develop via ultrasound; I even loved getting bigger as she grew inside me. Once she was born, a love that I’ve never felt before washed over me, and I just knew that I wanted to be able to help somebody feel the way the birth of my daughter made me feel. 

Several of my close friends have had trouble conceiving. One finally became pregnant after years of trying and several rounds of IVF; another has chosen to adopt.  I knew the pain they felt as they tried unsuccessfully to become pregnant, and I wished more than anything that I could do something to help them. 

These experiences led me to become a surrogate, and I chose Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists specifically because of my interactions with Marisa Papa. She was warm and polite, and she answered all of my questions I had about becoming a surrogate and the surrogacy process. They were up front about the requirements I faced as I applied to be a surrogate, an area where other agencies that I talked with were vague and dismissive when questions were asked. 

Choosing to become a surrogate is not something I took lightly. As I began to work on my application, I shared my desire with a couple of close friends and family members. A couple of people were shocked and couldn't imagine taking on such a physical and emotional responsibility, while others were excited for me and continuously ask me about where I am in the process and what happens next. After weighing the pros and the cons of becoming a gestational carrier, as well as the potential risks that I'd face, I decided to take the leap into surrogacy. 

I submitted my application to be a surrogate on January 25, 2016.  By late February, I had completed the additional medical screening requirements, and on March 24th I completed the necessary psychological evaluation. On March 31st, I was matched with the woman I would end up signing a contract with. I knew immediately when I saw her pictures and read her profile that we would be a perfect match, and this belief was solidified when we were finally able to meet in person this past weekend.  

Signing the contracts went by quickly, though at the time it felt like it took forever. I obtained legal representation and our contracts were signed. Once the contracts were received by the intended mother’s (IM’s) fertility clinic, they emailed me to arrange a date for medical screening. On June 12th I flew into New York City and was driven to Connecticut where I would spend the night before my examination the following day. 

After my exam was completed, we met with one of the clinic’s coordinators to discuss next steps and the medications I would be taking. Now everything seems to be moving so fast. Our planned transfer date is August 5th, and our fingers are crossed that the first transfer is the only one we’ll need. We’ll do up to three transfers, each time transferring two embryos. 

I am excited to see what will unfold in the coming months as I prepare my body for the embryo transfer. I hope that I will be able to continue to share my experiences as I progress through my first surrogacy journey.