Worldwide Surrogacy Blog

Becoming a Surrogate: Conference Recap

Written by Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists | Wed, Apr 13, 2016 @ 13:04 PM

On Sunday April 10th, Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists (WSS) held its first ever informational conference for women interested in becoming a surrogate. The conference was a great way to reconnect with WSS surrogates, in addition to meeting with some new faces as well. We did miss all those who were unable to attend but we hope to see you at our next event.

Aside from the beautiful views surrounding the Water’s Edge Resort & Spa in Westbrook, CT where the conference was held, a wonderful spread of sandwiches, soups, drinks and desserts were provided throughout the event. In addition, WSS thought it would be fun to have a Tarot Card reader available at the event to provide a fun way to break up the day. We also raffled off an iPad, gift certificate and gift basket to three lucky attendees.

In attendance were three of our current surrogates who shared their experiences with surrogacy. Not only were all three women in the process of preparing for an embryo transfer, but all of them are experienced surrogates who have successfully completed a journey. Each of them told their individual story and how it influenced not only themselves, but also those around them. They expressed how grateful they were to be able to share their experiences with prospective surrogates who attended the conference.

Each of the speakers provided insight on what they felt was the most important aspects of a surrogacy journey. They all emphasized the importance of communication and honesty between a surrogate and the intended parents in order to ensure that all parties are comfortable in any given situation and all questions are addressed beforehand. The profound influence the speakers had on both our team and potential surrogates was a valuable reminder of the beneficial impact of surrogacy and all those involved in the process.

In addition, this provided a unique opportunity for prospective surrogates, who are all at different stages in the process, to interact and learn from each other’s experiences. The positive outcome from this event has confirmed the family that WSS creates in our agency and the surrogates we work with. WSS plans to hold future events similar of this nature to further create a network available to all those involved in the WSS community.