Worldwide Surrogacy Blog

Celebrity Surrogacy: Kim Kardashian

Written by Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists | Thu, Feb 15, 2018 @ 14:02 PM

Kim Kardashian’s baby was born on January 15, 2018 by her gestational surrogate mother. Both of Kim’s previous pregnancies were high risk—she developed placenta accrete, which causes the placenta to grow too deeply into the uterine wall to detach during birth—and her doctors advised her that it would be unsafe for her to get pregnant again.

That’s when she and her husband, Kanye West, decided to use a surrogate.

Although they are celebrities, Kim and Kanye dealt with the same issues and decisions about surrogacy that all other intended parents face. They spent months trying to find the right surrogate. Kim was concerned she wouldn’t love the child the same, but after talking to another mother who used a surrogate, that fear was put to rest. A common sentiment among intended parents that they feel nervous and powerless over the pregnancy. Kim also felt that nervousness—she felt as if she didn’t have control of the situation, especially since she gave birth to her first two children, North and Saint.

Like any other Intended Parents going through surrogacy journeys, Kim and Kayne are going through stress, strain, and uncertainty that accompanies the decision to have a baby through surrogacy.

It’s not a new for celebrities to use surrogates; just some of the celebrities who have used surrogates in the past are Nicole Kidman, Giuliana Rancic, Sarah Jessica Parker, Elizabeth Banks, Elton John, as well as Neil Patrick Harris and his partner.

Kim’s fears and concerns are totally normal. It’s true that surrogacy is a complicated way to have a baby, and that’s why it’s always important to have an experienced group of professionals to assist with the process.  

For any gay or straight couples or individuals who want to grow or start their families, surrogacy is a wonderful journey to parenthood. The opportunity to have children via surrogacy isn’t limited to celebrities or non-celebrities. No matter how famous you are, surrogacy is a very ethical, legal and safe way to have a baby.

Interested in pursuing your own surrogacy journey? We can help.