Worldwide Surrogacy Blog

Considerations When Thinking of Becoming a Surrogate

Written by Victoria Ferrara | Wed, Oct 14, 2015 @ 19:10 PM

If you’re thinking of becoming a surrogate, there is a great deal of information to learn about and consider. First, keep in mind that there are incredibly wonderful intended parents deserving of children. They are people who will appreciate with deep gratitude what their surrogate is doing for them. To be a surrogate is to give a gift of great magnitude, and to reap the fulfillment of life-changing, rewarding and positive connections and relationships.

As with any important decision, it’s good to do your research and due diligence. Working with a surrogacy agency that has a lawyer in charge of legal matters is a good idea. Lawyers are licensed and therefore there is a good chance that an agency with a lawyer will be bound by a Code of Ethics that will provide for ethical legal relationships and integrity in all the procedures.

Also, with a good and reputable agency, you will have a case manager who will give you support and answer questions throughout the surrogacy journey. At Worldwide Surrogacy, we have a wonderful support person who is the Vice President of Surrogate Services, Serena Lugo. Serena was a surrogate twice and is there to support, and provide knowledge and care to women becoming surrogates. Serena is a wealth of information and she can explain all of facets of becoming a surrogate.

It’s important to know that there are some basic requirements to becoming a surrogate. These include that a woman must have her own children, and should be between the ages of 21 and 40. Occasionally, if a woman has had a baby in her late 30s, doctors will make an exception and accept women slightly over 40. Also, unfortunately, women on state aid or welfare cannot become surrogates. This is actually for a good reason so that the surrogacy compensation doesn’t jeopardize their eligibility for their government benefits. There are other criteria that can be fully explained by a surrogacy professional. 

Gestational surrogates may receive compensation up to $40,000 or even $50,000. Gestational carriers (surrogates) receive base compensation as well as extra payments for medical procedures, maternity clothing, travel, lost wages, childcare, housekeeping and other items. The goal is that the surrogate will not incur any out-of-pocket expenses. Even legal fees are paid for - and surrogates have their own personal lawyers. 

Most importantly, it critical to work with a competent, knowledgeable and experienced surrogacy team so you have the most positive experience possible. One way to explore becoming a surrogate is to apply online at Worldwide Surrogacy. After completing the first part of the application, you’ll be contacted personally by a team member.