Worldwide Surrogacy Blog

5 Ways to Ensure You are Prepared for Birth (as an IP)

Written by Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists | Sun, Nov 19, 2017 @ 19:11 PM

The final weeks before baby arrives are an exciting time—you’re that much closer to finally meeting your new child.

Now that your surrogate is well into her third trimester, it’s time for you to make the final push to get everything in order before you bring your child home. The following five tips will help you and other expecting parents ensure they’re prepared for the birth of their child. 

Prepare the Nursery

Before you deal with furniture assembly or final decorative touches, it’s important to pre-wash baby’s clothes. It is not uncommon to receive lots of thoughtfully purchased baby clothes from loved ones.  Easy access onesies, preferably with zippers and hand covers, are newborn baby’s best wardrobe choices.

Once baby’s clothes are ready, be sure to assemble the crib or bassinet. Remember to place a wet pad in all baby’s sleep spots. Take a proactive approach and read all current recommendations to reduce the risk of SIDS.

Don’t forget to set-up the changing station. You’ll want your official changing station fully stocked and ready for baby’s arrival. Must haves include: diapers, wipes, ointment, a digital thermometer, and saline drops.

Establish Your Support Team and Schedule

Help after baby is a very good thing.

Any offers to bring food, run errands, or mind the baby so you can take a nice shower should be graciously accepted. The first few weeks are an adjustment and should be cherished by parent(s) and closest friends or family.

Despite best efforts to prepare before the birth, new parents almost always appreciate any help they can get so if any loved ones offer their services, say yes and try to create a schedule. (Don’t be surprised if other friends and family offer help in exchange for a sneak peak at your bundle of joy.)

Choose a Pediatrician

It’s important to choose a primary pediatrician well before the birth of your new child. Deciding on a pediatrician is an important task to tackle early on so you can get to know the doctor taking care of your child’s health well through their infancy and beyond.

It is not uncommon for the pediatrician to visit baby in the hospital. Baby’s first check-up occurs in the first few days. Parents also want to ensure they have someone to call with any questions once baby comes home.

If you are on the fence about a pediatrician you can schedule an initial consultation to learn their views on early childhood, treatment and any area(s) of expertise.

Prepare Your Home

Many parents become so caught up preparing enough food for their new baby that they forget to feed themselves. A few weeks before baby arrives, start making and freezing some of your favorite meals. Buy any snacks you prefer not to live without, so you are equipped to hunker down during the first few weeks.

Now is also the time to thoroughly clean the house. Whether you take to the mop yourself or hire someone else to do the work, you will not regret having the home freshly cleaned when baby arrives.

Take an Infant CPR Class

If not already CPR certified, parents should seriously consider taking a CPR/infant CPR class to prepare for baby’s arrival. The American Heart Association offers a CPR and first aid courses in 12 languages across 80 countries. Click here to find a convenient time and location.

While no one hopes to ever perform any first aid or CPR on their child, every parent will be grateful in the event an emergency occurs.

Following these tips will not guarantee everything will be perfect, but they are good recommendations to ensure you are prepared to bring baby home.