Worldwide Surrogacy Blog

Good Resources for Intended Parents From The U.K.

Written by Victoria Ferrara | Thu, Sep 24, 2015 @ 15:09 PM

Richard Westoby's Guide to Surrogacy website together with the book he authored, “Our Journey' One Couple's Guide to U.S. Surrogacy,” are wonderful resources for couples or individuals considering surrogacy, especially those from the U.K. Richard is one of the fathers to a set of boy/girl twins born in September 2012. He and his partner Steven undertook surrogacy in the U.S. and experienced firsthand the complexities and processes of gestational surrogacy as well as the legal issues they faced and surmounted in bringing their children home to the U.K. Since the twins were born, Richard has become an advocate helping prospective parents learn more about IVF and surrogacy in general, predominantly in the U.S. In doing so, he aims to help parents make informed decisions from the outset.

For legal advice in the U.K., there are several wonderful resources, including Natalie Gamble Associates, Louisa Ghevaert, Colin Rogerson. These are just a few of the legal resources in the U.K. but they are lawyers who have experience in family formation through surrogacy, and with whom we have discussed commitment to surrogacy law and procedures as well as ethical and competent legal representation.In obtaining a Parental Order in the U.K. after a gestational surrogate gives birth abroad, parents must be prepared with a dossier of original documents to comply with the application requirements. Richard’s book is a trove of information regarding the application process. In addition, it’s extremely helpful to work with a surrogacy agency that is knowledgeable about the Parental Order requirements. At Worldwide Surrogacy, we make sure that all of our U.K. clients return home with the necessary documents organized and compiled to assist them as well as their U.K. attorneys in applying for the U.K. Parental Order.

It’s always important for Intended Parents coming to the U.S. for surrogacy from countries abroad to find resources such as Richard Westoby’s book and website, as well as legal representation in their home country in order to address the many issues they will face including immigration issues, establishment of home country citizenship, and the particular processes such as the U.K. Parental Order application or adoption procedures that may be necessary.