Worldwide Surrogacy Blog

How To Become A Surrogate: 6 Steps For Screening

Written by Victoria Ferrara | Tue, Jun 14, 2016 @ 19:06 PM

If want to know how to become a surrogate, there are a number of steps you have to take before you are matched with intended parents. At Worldwide Surrogacy, we have a 6-step screening process. See below so you know what to expect from WSS and many other surrogacy agencies.

1. Basic Screening
Before going into in-depth screening (see below,) there are basic criteria that must be met. A woman who wants to become a surrogate must have a child or children. She must be age-appropriate. She must live in a U.S. state that is favorable for surrogacy. She must not be on any antidepressants or other medication that may affect a pregnancy. Obviously, she must not smoke, take recreational drugs or drink alcohol to excess.

2. Background Investigation
Many surrogacy agencies, including WSS, will conduct a thorough background check of the potential surrogate and her husband, if married. This is performed by a certified or licensed private investigator. The report provides a great deal of information including all criminal records, if any, residence history, bankruptcy, if any, social media accounts and pages, and any court records of lawsuits.

3. Psychological Evaluation
A licensed clinical psychologist conducts a clinical session with the surrogate candidate and her husband, if she is married. The woman also undergoes a standardized psychological personality test known as the MMPI. This is administered under the supervision of the psychologist and scored by the Pearson Company, an organization that creates and scores many different psychological testing instruments.

4. Preliminary Medical Screening.
The IVF physician, who is to provide the medical treatment for the creation of embryos, egg donation and gestational embryo transfers, will review the pregnancy records of the proposed surrogate and approve them. The physician will also require a “letter of medical clearance” from the woman’s primary obstetrician.

5. Social Screening
A social worker interviews the woman and conducts a home visit to gather more information on lifestyle, family life, habits and home environment.

6. Insurance Review
The insurance policy that the surrogate candidate uses for herself and her family must be reviewed to see if the pregnancy will be covered, or it there is surrogacy exclusion. At WSS, and other reputable surrogacy agencies, this is done by a lawyer or insurance professional. If there is an issue with the insurance, the agency’s staff will work with the intended parents to put an insurance policy in place that will cover the pregnancy. Newborn insurance is another issue for international intended parents and there are options to address this matter as well. When the intended parents and the surrogate are considering working together, all of these insurance issues will be addressed.

Take into account these requirements when doing research on how to become a surrogate. Being a surrogate is a life affirming decision, but there are also challenges. These 6 steps are all important to determining if a woman is ready for these challenges.