Worldwide Surrogacy Blog

10 LGBTQ Parenting Books We Recommend

Written by Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists | Tue, Jun 02, 2020 @ 13:06 PM

There are countless parenting books out there, and while a lot of the advice is universal, there are a few books that speak specifically to LGBTQ parents.

To celebrate Pride Month, we put together this list of 10 books that offer LGBTQ advice, support, empowerment, and occasional comic relief regarding parenting:

Raised by Unicorns: Stories from People with LGBTQ+ Parents
edited by Frank Lowe

Frank Lowe brings us a collection of essays from children raised by LGBTQ+ parents. The essays convey uplifting and informative details from a child’s perspective highlighting the positive, supportive homes created by their loving parents.

Does This Baby Make Me Look Straight?: Confessions of a Gay Dad
by Dan Bucatinsky 

Dan Bucatinsky and his partner, Don Roos, break down the nitty gritty of parenting highs, lows, and in-betweens. This hilarious collection of stories about parenting explains exactly why so many of us opt to dive in.

Love’s Promise: How Formal and Informal Contracts Shape All Kinds of Families
by Martha M. Ertman

Law professor Matha M. Ertman lends a professional's eye to the application of contracts in all relationships to make them work. Gay, straight, and everything in between, contracts help forge loving families from all walks of life.

Rainbow Relatives: Real-World Stories and Advice on How to Talk to Kids About LGBTQ+ Families and Friends 
by Sudi Karatas 

A lighthearted yet informative read that equips all parents to discuss the unique dynamics of LGBTQ families. The author paves the way to open discussions with children about most issues or questions kids might have about LGBTQ family lives and members.

Finding Our Families: A First-of-Its-Kind Book for Donor-Conceived People and Their Families
by Wendy Kramer & Naomi Cahn, J.D.

This book builds a bridge across the void of information and support for children conceived by sperm and/or egg donors. Wendy Kramer, Founder of the Donor Sibling Registry, raised a donor-conceived child with full disclosure and offers advice about how to answer some of the questions donor-conceived children may have. Along with Naomi Cahn, a professor of law specializing in family law and reproductive technology, the authors provide steps to support donor-conceived children seeking answers to their origins.

Journey to Same-Sex Parenthood: Firsthand Advice, Tips and Stories from Lesbian and Gay Couples
by Eric Rosswood

This award-winning book is a go-to for LGBTQ couples exploring the possibilities of parenthood. The book covers adoption, foster care, assisted reproduction, surrogacy, and co-parenting, featuring personal stories from same-sex parents that have taken each individual journey.

First Comes Love: Portraits of Enduring LGBTQ Relationships 
by B. Proud, foreword by Edie Windsor

This book is a little different from the others on this list. It combines photographs and love stories from LGBTQ couple, taking an artistic approach to capture and chronicle a celebrated moment in LGBTQ history. While there may not be specific tips on parenting, the message of loving, committed LGBTQ families deserve attention.

Kids of Trans Resource Guide 
by Monica Canfield-Lenfest

This work isn't necessarily a book, but a free PDF available online. It covers all related topics, offers advice and provides first-hand testimonials from children of transgendered parents.

Who’s Your Daddy? And Other Writings on Queer Parenting 
edited by Rachel Epstein

This compilation of roughly 40 interviews and essays runs the gamut of modern families, family planning, and growing up in the LGBTQ community.

Love Makes a Family: Portraits of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Parents and Their Families 
by Gigi Kaeser ed Peggy Gillespie

A comprehensive collection of stories told by all members of LGBTQ families, detailing their struggles in the face of homophobia and highlighting the critical message that love, above all else, gives meaning to the word family.