Worldwide Surrogacy Blog

Would You Like to Become a Surrogate?

Written by Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists | Thu, May 26, 2016 @ 18:05 PM

Becoming a parent is possibly the greatest gift anyone can receive. The joy, hopes and fears that flood a parent’s emotional being the first time they hold their child is an elated connection to a new sense of purpose. Receiving this gift is phenomenal. When you become a surrogate and help to give the gift of a child to someone else it is an equally exhilarating adventure.

Equally Giving and Receiving

Women who have been surrogates describe several rewards they gained from their experiences. Most gratifying, appears to be the sense of personal satisfaction from helping the intended parents build their family. In fact, for some women who have been a surrogate, making someone’s dreams of having a family come true has been so fulfilling that they offer their services more than once.

Many women reflect on their pregnancies with fondness and commonly express a desire to be pregnant again, particularly after they have completed their own family. When you become a surrogate, you can return to the joys of being pregnant, putting in the effort to nurture the growth of a healthy baby. As a pregnant surrogate, you will exude an extra glow knowing you’re carrying a child who will be truly loved and cared for.

If you are even considering becoming a surrogate then you likely cherish being a parent yourself. You understand and embrace the serious responsibilities that accompany parenting and you respect others who take the job seriously. The surrogacy agency will work to match you with intended parents who want nothing more than to love and commit to their child. You and the intended parents will develop a relationship that works for everyone. Some surrogates have assumed the role of “auntie” to the child, while others enjoy email and photo updates throughout the years to maintain a connection. Whether you and the intended parents choose to stay in close contact or decide a different path post-surrogacy, there are a variety of ways to make the process work for each person involved.

Your Own Family Will Benefit From Your Surrogacy

In order to maximize her surrogacy experience, a woman should have her loved ones on board throughout the journey. Your own children will be enriched as they witness their mother selflessly sharing herself. During your surrogacy, you can teach your children to understand your decision to help the intended parents. Your children will develop a genuine appreciation for helping others and a respect for the various family dynamics that contribute to a loving home.

Your family will also benefit financially from your surrogacy. While not the primary motivator to become a surrogate, it is worth noting you will receive monetary compensation for your services. The surrogate and her family can enjoy planning how they will use the earnings as an additional measure to celebrate the experience.

What a Gift for All Parties

If you are sincerely considering becoming a surrogate then it is time to focus on the gift you will give. As a parent, there are no words to justly describe the feeling when you meet and hold your child for the first time. One truly has the most incredible sense of reward and fulfillment. Your choice to become a surrogate will make that moment possible for a family who might not have had the experience otherwise. The entire process can be an empowering opportunity to make an impact on the world.