It‘s an incredibly exciting decision to become a surrogate, but before you can pursue the matching process, you need to be sure you meet certain criteria to qualify as a surrogate.
IPs can rest assured that any surrogate they will be matched with has undergone a thorough screening process to ensure she is a qualified candidate. Any woman considering becoming a surrogate must meet the following criteria:
Is Between 21-40 Years of Age
This age bracket constitutes the acceptable range for women considering surrogacy. While there are no guarantees, statistics indicate women these ages are more likely to respond well to IVF and deliver a healthy baby.
Lives in a Surrogate Friendly State
Surrogacy is becoming increasingly popular around the world but there are still states in the US that are not surrogacy friendly. Visit to learn the surrogacy laws in your state.
Surrogates cannot reside in the following states: LA, MI, NE. These states do not currently allow compensated surrogacy agreements.
Has Delivered at Least One Child
It is critical that a prospective surrogate have at least one child of her own. Reasons for this qualification include: lends towards successfully carrying a pregnancy to term and ensuring she has completed her own family before helping another.
Has a Body Mass Index of 33 or Less
Women with a body mass index of 33 or less tend to respond better to IVF treatments and have less health issues during pregnancy.
Has Had No More than Three Cesarean Sections
Any women considering becoming surrogates cannot have had more than three C-sections when delivering their own children.
Be a U.S. Citizen
To qualify as a surrogate in the United States the woman must be a U.S. citizen. The U.S. is open to working with international IPs, but any surrogate must be a U.S. citizen or hold a permanent green card.
Is a Non-Smoker
Research indicates smoking cigarettes can have negative impacts on the body and can damage a fetus if a woman smokes while pregnant. As a result, any woman considering becoming a surrogate must be a non-smoker.
Is a Non-Drug User
Drug use is prohibited to qualify as a surrogate. Drugs can harm the surrogate, can compromise her body’s response to hormone injections or IVF procedures, and can harm the fetus she carries.
Not Currently on Any Anti-Depressant/Anti-Anxiety Medications
There is no shame in taking anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medications when needed. However, these medications are linked with complications during pregnancy and increased risks for harm to the developing child. Because of known harm these medications can cause, any women considering surrogacy must not be currently taking them.
Interested in learning more about becoming a surrogate? Start by taking the Surrogate Prescreen.

Have any questions regarding surrogate requirements and the surrogacy journey? Feel free to contact us—we’re happy to help.