People have babies every day. Many experience success with the traditional method of conception. Others, who have not been able to conceive on their own, seek help through assisted reproductive technology (ART) and surrogacy. No one way is a guarantee or risk-free. The only certainty is that reproductive challenges are not uncommon. If you are someone who has not yet succeeded in growing your family, take solace in the fact that you are not alone.
By definition, infertility is when conception has not occurred within a period of 12 months of unprotected sex for women up to 35 years old. For women ages 36 and older a period of six months of unprotected sex that does not result in conception qualifies as infertility. Infertility may result from a problem with the woman’s reproductive system, the man’s reproductive system or a combination of both. According to the CDC:
- Approximately 12% of women between the ages of 15 and 44 are unable to get pregnant or carry a pregnancy to term
- While commonly misjudged as only a woman’s problem, approximately 3.3 – 4.7 million sexually active males in the U.S. under the age of 45 have been to a fertility clinic, and roughly 18% of those men were diagnosed with a male-related infertility problem
Assisted Reproductive Technology Success Rates
The most recent ART success rates, compiled by the CDC in 2013 state:
- 40% resulted in live births in women under the age 35
- 32% resulted in live births in women between the ages of 35-37
- 21% resulted in live births in women ages 38-40
- 11% resulted in live births in women ages 41-42
- 5% resulted in live births in women 43-44 years old
- 2% resulted in live births in women at 44 years and older
The above statistics support the fact that a woman’s advanced maternal age decreases her chances for a successful live birth. Whether age or infertility is creating a barrier for a intended parents to grow their family, or when a same-sex couple does not have the option for traditional conception, surrogacy provides an opportunity to make their dreams of having a child come true.
If you are someone struggling with reproductive challenges, or someone in the middle of the assisted reproductive technology and surrogacy process who has not yet had a successful IVF cycle, remember that you are not alone, and you are not without hope.